About Us
We believe in a world where people go to work happy and go home happier.
It’s easy to imagine transformation requires monumental events — groundbreaking ideas, life-changing annual summits and ‘radical disruption’. We believe real transformation occurs in the everyday. The daily conversations, interactions and touchpoints that add up to shape people’s experience of work. In these often-overlooked moments lie opportunities to transform lives, organisations and industries.
It begins with the realisation that work is just an experience, much like any other — made of countless moments occurring over hours, days, weeks, years, and careers. A series of touchpoints experienced positively, negatively, or neutrally, all merged in our memory.
How do people experience a day, a month, a year... a career? What’s their onboarding experience? How do they experience programs? How do they experience health and safety? What’s the retirement or resignation experience?Each of these big events is simply a series of smaller moments strung together. By mapping these interactions between people and the organisation; with their leaders and each other — by designing people’s experience — we transform the way they feel about work.
And that’s when possibility happens. Increased engagement, better performance, stronger cultures — a world where people go to work happy and go home happier.